
Welcome to use Hanyu+ App

Dear Users, Welcome and thank you to choose the Hanyu+ app. Hope you have started the journey and enjoy the learning. We hope you like the App and start to use it for your self-learning. Hereby we offer some tips just in case some of you are not familiar with the operation of the App.
Tips <1> Login and Registration
Use the “ sign in with Google ” will save you a lot of time to register.
Learn with your own language. Now Hanyu+ offer 5 languages for you to choose.
Tips <2> Explore the features of the Hanyu+
Level: Choose the level you want to begin from Preparation1 to Advanced B2.If you don’t know where to begin, just start from the level of preparation 1.
Topics: Choose one of the scenic topics you like and start to learn.
Mission: Each one mission includes “Vocabulary,” “Grammar,” “Conversation,” and “AI Dialogue.” The purpose is to enhance your abilities to “Listening Comprehension,” and “Speaking.”
Next time we will give you more tips of how to use the Hanyu+ to practice and get more fun when learning Chinese.
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